Using RecordLink eXport
What's the general idea?
RLeX enables fast extraction of linked documents from SIMS to a password protected file on your local drive. It's an easy 1-2-3 process of selecting students, selecting documents, and exporting. The process is guided by a simple wizard.
How do I log in?
Click on the RECORDLINKeXport entry in the Start menu and enter your SIMS credentials. If you cannot find the entry ask your local IT support.
What permissions do I have?
Your SIMS permissions apply. If your permissions do not allow you to access a document or class of document then you will not see them.
What documents can I search for and export?
When running an export you first need to select which students are included before choosing the Linked Documents attached to those students. Linked Documents can be exported from student or staff records and to do this RecordLink eXport operates in two modes.
- When one individual student record is selected the user can then choose all documents, select all documents in one or more sub-focus areas such as SEN or achievements, or drill down to the individual document level and select those required.
- When multiple records are selected the user is not able to drill down to individual documents but can select focus areas, such as SEN.
- As with all RecordLink products the user can only access documents for which they have SIMS permissions to do so
How do I create an eXport for a single Student or member of Staff?
1 Select the Student: Click on Quick Find, enter the student name and select the student from the results. Quick Find does not apply to Staff names.
2 Select Documents: Click on the Select Documents tab and either drill down to the individual documents, choose all documents in one or more areas such as SEN, or just choose All Linked Documents.
3 eXport: Click on the Export tab and change the default destination and file name if required. Choose a password and Export. We cannot suggest your policy for choosing and storing passwords but do remember that your eXport folder cannot be extracted without it.
How do I create an eXport for multiple Students or Staff?
Follow the 3 step process in the same way as creating an eXport for an individual. The only difference is that with multiple records you can select classes of documents, such SEN, and not drill down to the individual document level. You can choose one or more classes.
I can't create an eXport for Students and Staff. Why not?
RLeX maintains segregation of information between Staff and Students due to the different permissions required and the possible end uses. You will need to perform separate eXports for Staff and Students.
What is 'Quick Find'?
Quick Find enables the user to enter a name and jump quickly to a single student record. The user may use this method multiple times and add each found student to the selection before searching for further students.
Remember Me does not always work. Why?
To prevent unauthorised access on an unmanned PC the SIMS password will drop from the Remember Me field after 10 minutes.
I have created an eXport file, now what?
Unless you have specified otherwise your eXport file will be created as a password protected zip file in C/My Documents/My RECORDLINKeXports. Each zipped file contains an html index file and two further folders named Documents and Indices. You cannot access these folders nor the documents they contain until the folders are extracted. At this stage the eXport is in its most secure state and should be transmitted or archived at this point. DO NOT TRASNMIT THE PASSWORD WITH THE EXPORT FOLDER.
How can I share an eXport online?
You can share an eXport online in a number of ways. However, remember to only share with trusted users and never transmit the password with the eXport. You can use a drop box service from a variety of providers some of whom will also provide further security.
I have an eXport file. How do I use it?
Whether you have created your own or been sent or given access to an eXport file the access is the same. With your mouse, right click on the zipped eXport file and select 'Extract All ...'. Change the default criteria if you require and enter the password. The file will be extracted to the chosen location. AT THIS POINT THE EXPORT FILE IS NO LONGER PASSWORD PROTECTED. You must use network or physical security to protect it. The new folder will contain an html file named 'Catalogue' and the same folders as before. The Documents folder contains the actual documents while metadata is held in the Indices folder. To browse the documents by Student name double click on the Catalogue file which will open in your web browser with basic information such as where and when the eXport was created. Follow the link to access the index page. Documents will be listed with metadata (summary, filename etc.) and grouped by student or Staff member. Click on a filename to open a document.
Alternatively browse the documents folder which is organised with a named folder per student populated with the exported files with rebuilt and sensible file names.
What local security can I apply to an eXport
You should develop a policy for protecting information stored in eXport archives. Physical media such as USB sticks can be protected in some instances by passwords and should always be kept safely. eXport files, whether locked or unlocked can also be protected using network share options. Right click on the archive, select Properties and then Sharing or Security. As networks vary you should develop your own policy on which configuration to choose should you choose to use this type of security.
How are invalid or empty documents treated?
Take three cases :-
A file which is structurally valid as a document but has no contents as a document (e.g. blank Word document). This could only be detected by the appropriate application and RLeX would not detect this. A file which has no length. RLeX does detect and report this.
All files are valid - the document requires context to detect validity. Again only the appropriate application would detect this.
Extraction errors
If SIMS does not return a file or there is a problem saving the file then we do detect and report this.
It’s worth adding that the RLeX log only reports on the files for which the user has correct permissions and will not report on files omitted by the absence of permission. It’s probably overly MI6 but it means the user cannot use the log to search for hidden documents, albeit in their existence rather than their availability.
Can I change the default location for my exports? Yes you can.
The default location is fixed during installation. If you would like to change it uninstall RLex and run the installer again. It takes but a few seconds. You will be given the option to accept the default location as C/My Documents/My RecordLink exports, or you can change it. Which ever you choose, this will be the initial option presented on the final page of the export wizard.
Make sure you have a note of the Product Key. You will need this when you run the installer. Drop us a line if you can't find it.
What is the size limit and how are large exports handled?
Version 2.2.2 and higher uses ZIP64 to handle exports of more than 4GB or 65,535 entries. These large exports need a ZIP64 utility to extract the archive from the Zip folder. Such utilities have been included in the Microsoft OS since Vista.
The largest archive to be exported, that we know about, was over 9GB. However the theoretical limit of the export is actually around 2˄55 GB!! That means hardware will be the limiting factor well before the utility runs out of capacity.
Smaller exports continue to be handled with the standard Zip utility.
Researching RecordLink eXport?
Watch the demo
What is RecordLink eXport?
RLeX is SIMS compatible software that installs on SIMS client PCs. Users log-in with their SIMS permissions and are able to eXport linked documents from SIMS to a password protected file in three easy stages, guided by the RLeX wizard. During the process RLeX reports on the number of Public, Private and Confidential documents that are exported and generates an index file in the secure file to enable easy browsing. The file can then be archived for subsequent retrieval of individual documents or shared either online, by email or by using digital media such as CD-ROM or USB memory sticks.
What are the benefits?
Bulk download of linked documents from SIMS has historically been a time consuming task performed by opening individual documents from the Student record. RLeX greatly simplifies the process while maintaining document security. Users can only eXport documents according to their SIMS permissions.
- Once an eXport has been created it can be shared with outside agencies, such as case workers, shared with Secondary schools alongside CTF in the case of Primary Schools passing Year 7 data, or archived for later retrieval.
- Typically, linked documents are backed up with SIMS. However such backups are designed for a complete install in the event of Disaster Recovery. Retrieval of specific records is not feasible. However, with the appropriate eXport in archive, retrieving the SEN documents of a student who left the school some years previously would merely be a matter of clicking on the student's name in the index of the appropriate eXport.
- Fast document retrieval facilitates improved outcomes by unlocking student information, especially when comparing eXports of electronic files compared with traditional paper based filing.
- Filenames are rebuilt from meta data into sensible filenames. This dramatically reduces the time taken to browse files.
What support can I expect?
In the first instance the FAQs should be consulted for advice. We have made a conscious decision to keep the price of RLeX as low as possible. One way we can continue to do this is to share common experiences online. Once the FAQs are exhausted please contact us and we will provide support. If the problem is new the problem will be posted here along with the solution.
What are the security considerations?
Electronic documents are regarded as being more secure than hard copy but you should have adequate procedures in place to protect and manage your eXports, ensure users only share them with authorised parties, and maintain safe records of any passwords used. We recommend the Code of practice for legal admissibility and evidential weight of information communicated electronically (BIP 0008-2:2005).
RLeX uses SIMS permissions which therefore do not need to be maintained separately. You will need to ensure that User permissions are correctly set up in SIMS.
During the export process the user is prompted for a password that is applied to the eXport folder. Once an eXport has been created it will be placed in a folder on the local C-drive and will only be accessible in the first instance with the password. If the eXport is shared or transmitted the password should be shared or transmitted separately.
Once an eXport has been extracted from the password protected file it is available to view without subsequent password entry. Extracted eXport files should therefore be either carefully protected with network permissions or deleted.
What if our SIMS is hosted?
Please call us if you are using a hosted/thin client solution. Installation will depend upon some specific local criteria.
What are the licence conditions and restrictions?
RLeX licences are provided on an annual basis per school with unlimited users for each school. The software is downloaded from this site and installed on client PCs. The same licence key is entered during each installation to activate the software and all seats will expire on the same date. The expiry date is set at 375 days after the key is generated. This allows ten days for installation and 365 days of use. We have found this to be the simplest method to give schools flexibility in using their licences.
All licences are subject to our Terms and Conditions and you will be required to accept this End User Licence Agreement during installation.
What are the system requirements?
You will need a current version of SIMS client and .net Framework 2. In reality you will be able to run RecordLink Export on any SIMS client. You will need sufficient disk or network storage for your exports.
What problems can I expect?
We have found no technical issues arising from RLeX but expectations should be realistic;
- If a user sets out to create an archive of several Gb it will take time to compile and the user should allow for this.
- Users can only eXport linked documents for which they have SIMS permissions.
- If documents are not correctly linked in SIMS they will not be exported.
How do I purchase and install RecordLink eXport?
Please go to the Contact page or call us on 01453 882 719
. You can order by email, fax or posted PO. The software is available from the download page. You will have to create a profile and sign-in. We will send you a licence key to apply during the installation which is simply a matter of running the download on SIMS client PCs and applying the key in each case although there are more detailed instructions here.